Multimedia Presentation - Induction Training - General Instructions PL
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Presentation in the Polish language version.
Is this product for you?
Are you an employer performing the tasks of health and safety service in your company? Or maybe you are an employee of health and safety service? Such instruction can also be carried out by an employee designated by the employer who has the knowledge and skills to ensure the proper implementation of the training program, which has a valid certificate of completion of the required health and safety training.
If you belong to any of this group and want to have a solid tool, preparing a newly hired employee for work - this product will meet your expectations!
What benefits will you get from the purchase?
The editable version of the presentation about induction training will allow you to modify and adapt it to your expectations and needs of newly employed employees, and the specificity of the workplace.
What does the presentation include?
The presentation contains 122 slides, which contain substantive content, enriched with interesting graphics, covering the following aspects (according to the framework program):
- The essence of health and safety at work.
- The scope of duties and rights of the employer, employees and individual organizational units of the workplace and social organizations in the field of occupational health and safety.
- Responsibility for violation of health and safety rules.
- Rules of moving around the workplace.
- Accident hazards and health hazards present in the plant and basic preventive measures.
- Basic principles of occupational health and safety related to the operation of technical devices and internal transport.
- The rules for the allocation of work clothing and working footwear as well as personal protective equipment, including in relation to the instructed work station.
- Order and cleanliness in the workplace - their impact on the health and safety of the employee.
- Preventive medical care - the rules of exercising it in relation to the instructed position.
- Basic principles of fire protection and firefighting.
- Proceedings in the event of an accident, including organization and principles of first aid.
Product is prepared in the form of a PowerPoint presentation.
What is included in the price??
- Electronic form of multimedia presentation – editable version.
- Possible consultation with a specialist.
Conditions for obtaining the product
After making the payment when you place the order you will IMMEDIATELY receive a link to download the presentation.
In the case of payment by bank transfer based on proforma invoice, the link will be made available after the payment is registered.
In addition, we provide a warranty when you buy a product.
If you feel that this presentation has not helped you sufficiently, we will refund your costs.
In this way, you can test the knowledge included in the presentation without any risk.
If you have additional questions, we remain at your disposal:
- tel.: (+48) 24 263 45 69
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